The story of Pi Five Design begins with Michael Robinson. Michael has been woodworking since he was in his teens crafting things in the high school woodshop and framing houses with his dad. Fast forward a few years, Michael began building custom furniture for himself, a few lucky friends and a sock monkey named Jim. After bouncing around the West and Southwest Michael ends up in California. There he meets a girl and plants roots in the Golden State. Then, as the story goes, Chelsea and Michael had a baby. A beautiful little boy born on 3.14.16 a.k.a pi day! That little boy needed toys so Michael fired up his basement shop. As it turns out, Chelsea has a knack for marketing. Before long she was selling Michael’s custom creations almost as fast as he can make them. Another year or so went by, and Chelsea and Michael found out they were going to be parents to a second munchkin due on January 5th, who they appropriately nicknamed J5. Add in a bunch of handcrafted toys, one custom furnished nursery, and lots of special orders from fellow parents, and Pi Five Design was born!